Some Ways Water Can Destroy Your Structures

Deck Waterproofing

Water may be a life giver everywhere else, but when it comes to construction, it can be one of nature’s most destructive elements. Whether it’s roofing, flooring or foundations, water infiltration can cause everything from weakening to erosion to complete destruction. When embarking on a new project, it can be tempting to cut cost corners by holding off on hiring a waterproofing contractor. Unfortunately, you’ll pay in the end. Don’t believe it? Read more about these ways water can destroy your structures to see why proper waterproofing matters.

Freeze-Thaw Cycles

When you rumble across a pothole, thank freeze-thaw cycles. This is one of the most common and well-known ways that water can be destructive. Water can seep into concrete and later, when temperatures drop, freeze. The resulting ice expands, pushing apart concrete and causing cracks and spalling. This is one of the most common causes of destruction to sidewalks, but it also can impact stucco walls and even asphalt.

Steam Damage

Steam can be a surprisingly destructive element in homes and businesses. The classic example occurs when a bathroom is built with no attention to waterproofing. Instead, it’s assumed that tile and epoxy grout will repel water. Instead, steam seeps in and soon water begins running down walls. A waterproofing contractor can prevent this type of outcome in commercial locker rooms and other water-prone areas with a few simple steps.

Frank Flooding

This is the most obvious threat but one that people still often don’t plan for. Proper waterproofing from a qualified waterproofing contractor is critical when a building is built at or below ground level. Ignore this and you start along the path to gradual leaks and flooding that will erode your foundation and potential threaten the entire building.

It’s simple enough to find a good waterproofing contractor and keep your structures dry. But it starts with research. Consider these tips, do your homework and you’re sure to find the perfect waterproofing professional for the job.